Hey yogis, fall in love with your 100% chemical free, artist designed cork yoga mat! Our Cork and Natural Tree Rubber yoga mat has substanially improved a product that...
Yoga Etiquette
Going to a Yoga class for the first time? No problem! Follow these simple but important rules. If you have never been to a group...
“Show me Your Yoga Hands”
After a yoga class in new York city, the yoga teacher said, we are going to take the last 20 minutes of class to meditate,...
Yoga Philosophy Series- The Eight Limbs of Yoga by Patanjali
In the western world many of us refer to the yoga practice as ‘doing’ yoga or ‘going to yoga’, but Yoga is more than physical...
The Underestimated Standing Pose - Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
Many of you are probably wondering why anyone would write an article about what seems to be a simple standing pose - Tadasana, or mountain...
Don’t take your breath for granted!
As you get deeper into your yoga practice, you will learn that yoga is simply a breathing exercise linked to movements. In order to experience...
Outdoor Yoga Season is Here!
There is nothing like unrolling our eco friendly, chemical free Shakti Warrior yoga mat on a patch of fresh cut grass and practicing our Surya Namaskar outdoors....
Building Compassion through our Yoga Practice
Being a creature of habit I usually attend my yoga classes at the same time every day. This particular Wednesday I wasn’t so lucky and I...
Surya Namaskar
Taj Mahal, Great Wall of China and the Colosseum are all wonderful man made wonders of the world- but how many times can you...